Mentoring for Leaders: How to Build a Better Team and Business
Course Aim
To teach leaders how to mentor their employees effectively using positive psychology techniques, in order to build a stronger team and business.
Course Outcomes
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Understand the benefits of mentoring and how to build a successful mentoring relationship.
- Apply positive psychology techniques to motivate and support their mentees.
- Help their mentees to develop their skills, talents, and careers.
- Create a more positive and productive work environment.
What It Covers
This course will cover the following topics:
- What is mentoring and why is it important?
- The benefits of mentoring for both mentors and mentees
- How to build a successful mentoring relationship
- Positive psychology techniques for motivating and supporting your mentees
- How to help your mentees to develop their skills, talents, and careers
- How to create a more positive and productive work environment
Delivery Strategy
The learning has been structured as a 1-day interactive workshop featuring case studies, discussion, break out rooms, group activities, audio-visual presentations, role plays and anecdotes.
Formal Certification
At the completion of this program, the participant will be eligible to receive a Certificate of Participation from EQ Strategist.
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