Purchase Australia 2Dom Siow2019-06-07T03:41:44+10:00
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“Dom….your book is like a life-raft for people who may feel they are in rough seas. I’m thankful to be one of those …sitting in this raft….”,
Dr Brendan Gomez, Consulting Psychologist
In an era of rapid change, building resilience in our workforce and enabling people to adapt to change quickly and with a sense of empowerment is crucial.
Heather Yelland, Founder and Director, The Elevation Company
Dominic Siow offers a raft of refreshingly grounded and yet powerful insights that call us to question the way we bring heart back into the workplace and build engagement with a businesses most valuable assets – it’s people.”
“Excellent lessons on how to weather life’s storms with the power of your mind and emotions.
Mr Chan Leng Sun
The author’s frank sharing of his personal battles makes it easy to relate to his practical takeaways and takes his action points out of the realm of the abstract.”
What you get:
Digital pdf version of this book & downloadable workbook